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Re: Demodex in lymphatic
glaxony Views: 2,033
Published: 12 y
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Re: Demodex in lymphatic

Rarely is there only one culprit. parasites work together. Aprx once told me they leave the body two by two, from what he was observing with a microscope. So I guess there is a marriage of species or something. You have to strengthen your immune system, and exterminate. Exterminate during full moons. Strengthen your immune system after. Do this every month.

It also helps to be familiar with the life cycle. How long does it take them to hatch, breed and die? Although they are more active during a full moon, you may need to interrupt the breeding cycle if it is shorter than 28 days.

I slather my face with essential oils and herbal tinctures.
About a year ago someone with red eyes gave me a hug.
I thought he had been smoking pot.
But the next day my eyes were itching like crazy.
It took several months of putting homeopathic eye drops in my eyes to
stop the red from coming back.
A few months later, the itchy red eyes came back accompanied by itchy nose and it felt like my eye brows and cheeks were crawling with critters.
I began putting a drop of thieves (essential oil blend) in vasoline and spreading it all over my face
it really works to get rid of the critters crawling around on the face and in the edge of the hairline


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