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E Histolitica
shroom Views: 1,290
Published: 12 y

E Histolitica

Just a note on this parasite. Make no mistake, it is deadly. I am not 100% sure about the parasite as a non-pathogen (remains subclinical) but, I have had it. The cause was directly related to clindimycin antibiotic.
Interestingly enough, it was the same biological agent (a type of streptomyces) that makes the active toxin in the production of this antibiotic, that grew in large enough numbers in the gut. This created an opportunity for the infection with E hist.

As a microscopist and researcher, I failed to recognize the parasite, because my attention was on the streptomyces, and the over abundance of mucus, blood and white blood cells. I was aware there was active infection, but could not identify. The obvious guess was C. Diff.

I took a trip to a medical clinic, and they ran tests for parasitic infection. Came out negative.

Of course I go back and do more of my own observations, and I find white blood cells consuming red blood cells. This is when I noticed cysts, and recognized the wbc's are in fact amoebae!

This is why it is difficult to diagnose. But, the presence
of blood and mucus (and symptoms)should be enough to make the call for this type of parasite.




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