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Re: Don't know what I have. Adrenal Fatigue, Depression, Hypothyroidism....
dave505 Views: 2,209
Published: 12 y
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Re: Don't know what I have. Adrenal Fatigue, Depression, Hypothyroidism....

Hi diehm,
As you see from the answers AF is a multiple cause issue. I believe what you can do is to read every answer you get - cause they can contain a possible cause - and try to figure out for your self what are the main stressors or main effects of stressors FOR YOU.

AF could have one cause or multiple causes.
You have already discovered 2 main causes - stress and chronic infections. There could be more.

My belief is your body will tell you if you can handle one way of healing or another. The best approach I learned here and also by experimenting is slow - step by step - constant efforts. Experimentation is part of the story. You'll find your own way I'm sure but dealing with diet, hypoglycemia, infections (gently) and stress (by aromo- meditation yoga...) could be a good start.

The ideas others gave you are worth to try cause healing from AF means controlling several aspects of your actual condition IN THE SAME TIME but not aggressively to have great results.

I would postpone tougher measures like heavy detox or rx Antibiotics until you'll be in a better shape.

I would also try reading some posts here especially from experienced users and as amber said drlam approach to get the picture. It will clearify your thoughts.

And yes we know conventional medicine don't see the whole picture. Good advice with change the angle...

At my lowest point I was at minus 15kg and I couldn't even stay IN BED. had to read a lot to test and experiment... I put back 7 kg and now I can walk like 3-4 hours a day...infections like 4-5 chronic and stress plus mold exposure were the main causes for me...

Keep reading and start slow...


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