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Don't know what I have. Adrenal Fatigue, Depression, Hypothyroidism....
diehm Views: 2,450
Published: 12 y

Don't know what I have. Adrenal Fatigue, Depression, Hypothyroidism....


I feel pretty discouraged. I live in Germany and I have already been to many doctors and I feel like over here there simply is nobody who understands AF or even cares very much.

I have been suffering from Depression for years and years and I also have insane stress. Often times I have felt like getting a nervous breakdown.

I have been in treatment for depression. I have taken various antidepressants, none of them worked.
My psychiatrists did never even try to measure cortisol or neurotransmitters. Orthodox medicine doesn't seem to believe that it is possible to measure neurotransmitters.
But when no antidepressant works then there has to be a reason. I have been on celexa,remeron,bupropion and none of them did anything! Maybe I don't even have enough precursors so that the antidepressants cannot work in the first place.

I have very little muscle mass and my less are very thin but still fat. I also have been suffering from low testosterone since age 20, I am 30 now. It has always been borderline with my LH also being low.
I have been to an endocrinologist who put me on T-gel but it didn't do anything for me and also didn't raise my levels very much. These levels were very unstable.
I don't know what to do now. I could try injections.

I have a LOT of health issues and no doctor can help me:
-cracking joints on the whole body
-receeding gum line
-feeling overall very poor
-dry eyes
-eyesight getting worse
-visual disorders (flickering,visual snow)
-recent stool test showed that I have too many bad bacteria and too few good bacteria / my intern couldn't tell me anything about this and prescribed probiotics...
The lab report only said that the bad bacteria can cause damage to the colon and the liver, really great...

My endocrinologist found that my TSH is high while my T3 and T4 are still normal. He did an ultrasound of my thyroid and said that it's normal and homogenous and had a size of around 17ml.
He said I have latent hypothyroidism and told me to wait and not to take anything yet. This sounds like nonsense to me.
I have a low pulse (usually below 120/60). I also often feel cold. My skin is dry. I feel mentally slow. My psychiatrist did a concentration test which wasn't normal and then assumed ADD. But Ritalin did nothing for me.
I have no strength and no stamina. I cannot even hold my arm up and scratch myself on the head for very long because then my arm starts to hurt and get fatigued.

I'm really pretty despaired because I have been to many doctors over the years and nobody could help me. They all do their standard tests and find nothing and then send me home again.
I don't know what to do anymore. Without a health expert who understands all these things it seems so hopeless.

My last lab test looked like this. I also don't know if the low ACTH which I always means something.

TSH 1.29 mU/l
ft3 4.7 pmol/l
ft3 11.3 pmol/l

2012 summer
TSH 4 Range: 0.4-2.5 uu/ml
ft3 4.3 Range: 2.2-5 pg/ml
ft4 14 Range: 9-19 pmol/l
ACTH 14 Range: 10-48 pg/ml
cortisol 115 Range: 25-250 ng/ml
tpo antibodies 10 Range 0-35

2012 autumn
TSH 2.4 Range: 0.4-2.5 uu/ml
ft3 4.3 Range: 2.2-5 pg/ml
ft4 1.3 Range: 0.9-1.76 ng/dl
ACTH 14 Range: 10-48 pg/ml
cortisol 130 Range: 25-250 ng/ml

2012 winter
TSH 1.22 Range: 0.4-2.5 uu/ml
ft3 2.69 Range: 2.2-5 pg/ml
ft4 13.7 Range: 9-19 pmol/l
ACTH 11 Range: 10-48 pg/ml
cortisol 47 Range: 25-250 ng/ml
prolactin 5.9 n/ml norm: 2.5-17
DHEA 2500 ng/ml norm: 9000-6500
e2 21 pg/ml norm: 0-56
testo 1.7 ng/ml norm: 3-9
LH 0.2 mu/ml norm: 1-7
FSH 1.5 mu/ml norm: 0.7-11


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