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Re: Up date how I am doing:)
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Re: Up date how I am doing:)

thaaanks Marie !! And I swear it's just such a pleasure to read you're doing better...I mean, we're not just computerized usernames, we're ppl who got used to each other on here...
and call this sexist if you want, but personally I'd rather take on more fatigue myself and see women get better.
Why the hell does such a condition exist ? Who'd have known the human body could go through so much pressure without the person dying ?!

And about ND's VS MD's:
on one hand, MD's are just too limited with their stubborn ways these days. AF today is like cancer a century ago, or the flu 500 year ago. Nothing wrong with MD's scope, it's just they know far too little about it. They'll know AF well in another 100 years.
On the other hand, ND's will often be charlatans, will tell you about this magical water from the streams of Tibet, or some old Indian/or Chinese cure from the Ancient times...or just supplements...that don't do JACK.

So it's up to us to be incredibly vigilant, and intelligent...filter the info ourselves, though we are neither MD's or ND's..and it can be very, very hard...


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