Re: Thoughts Create Reality
the flood was in atlantis, a group of negative black magi's, geneticists had created a huge population of gene spliced 'things' that were half human, half beast,ie., oxen genetically interbred with men for labor and load pulling exploitation, women gene spliced with dolphins to do underwater testing for the explotative negative black magi's, humans spliced with birds that could fly as couriers, etc etc. this was transmigration of the soul and is why mother-father God, higher intelligence, starship 108 or whatever you want to call universal intelligence, harmonic nature, realignment accord or universal order, sent down the flood. to free the souls and spirits errorfully entrapped in 'things' bodies by negative selfish black magi atlantian geneticists.the earth can only handle so many lil hitlers before the evil destroys itself. atlantis was over run with black magi/luciferians/reptilians/baby killers/ freaks, whatever you choose to call error, atlantis had the worst of the worst and they had misused power to MISCREATE and were hence deposed. no matter how tough a negetive thinks he is there is always a bigger tougher guy or flood or rock around the corner waiting for him or her, that top dog concept is the top dog hive mind game. It is best to work unilateral, the pyramids are symbolic of pyramid schemes and pyramid scheme structures, really the pyramids were just temples and high ground in event of floods. a tool to keep the slaves building false idols, pyramid worship. I have yet to hear one explanation of pyramids as anything but temples to keep the slaves buzy building mortar rocks and working in mud pits so they did not cause trouble and kill and rape each other 24/7. Idle minds and idle hands can do some funky error. so the powers in atlantis had them building pyramids to keep the slaves occupied, buzy work, like licence plates made in todays prisons.
once man ceases to become a creator or co creator and becomes a miscreator, miscreant, higher forces step in to arrest and manacle the human and his aberancies, injustices and iniquities. it is a harmonic natural accord and universal order, evil destroys itself, it is part of evolutionary unfoldment.
how does the earth spin on its axis? what intelligence created the giant pine or oak tree matrix in each acorn seed? that is the intelligence I respect, as it is one that unfolds into the all good, all beautiful all perfect design of say a rose or a giant pine, that is the all perfect beauty and all perfect design of all good nature.
semantics often get in the way of conceptual expression, all creatures and organisms seek comfort and survival, adaptation, adaptability, when one creature begins to maladapt or miscreate the human and the process becomes like a collapsed star, a void or a black hole and is rendered into nothingness but a negative void that consumes and colapses into itself. evil destroys itself. to say there is no evil is like the three deaf dumb and blind monkies statute of see no evil hear no evil speak no evil, wise people threw those 3 monkeys in the garbage decades ago or whenever they popped up. it is the mason/errors agenda to blur truth to call the sun the moon and the moon the sun, like singer mike jackson who screams he's bad trying to make bad so good, its bassakwards, that's the mason/luciferian/reptilian or errorful view. If its your calling you can choose to see the good in a rapists or murderers eyes, if you choose to, but that does not protect the the evil doer, human or spirit from reaping what they sowed or 'doing the time for the crime' of tresspass against another being. the ice crystaline rings around planet saturn I was told, are giant floppy disks that record every deed action and thought ever thought or done by a human on earth, that is why saturn is called, the grim reaper and no one can hide from themselves, thier own truth or saturn.
you reap as you sow.
I am all for love the sinner and hate the sin, but what is to be done with the reprobate, the wonton, repeat and riotous ones who tresspass over and over? That is why we have prisons and for those that think they escape by doublespeak, covering thier tracks etc from mans prisons, for them there is divine universal justice that arrests and manacles them in thier error. That is why the wages of death are sin, you reap as you sow, no matter how you filter it.