Re: Casein vs gluten - EDIT
We know Human Pepsin is just about useless now due to un-fermented Soy Proteins injected into all Food.
I guess what I am trying to say is that those observations should be reviewed after a person has been on HCL with Porcine Pepsin and off Soy crapola (easier said than done)..
The thought here is that salt intake must increase to a point where salt is available to the body battery even with the onslaught of Bromides. After that some HCL to kick start the hydrogen pump and Porcine Pepsin to get rid off the massive amount of Soy Protein stopping the Human Pepsin from working.
None of this is new, I have been writing about the "Casein Wars" for a long time. But I now believe that IMAM is a critical step. At this point of the battle the need for salt outweighs all else.. This anyone can verify by pending laws to restrict salt to the Human Farm animals..
>>Nevertheless, raw is a rare commodity these days