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Re: NB - duration of detox and extreme fatigue symptoms ?

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Re: NB - duration of detox and extreme fatigue symptoms ?


I signed up just to reply to you. Sorry this ends up being so lengthy but this is important and also layered.

I relate to the years of great fatigue and being on the NB regimen (for me nearly 2 years) without feeling improvement. However, I do believe in it and since I was in 4 lows I know it will take a long time.

What I am saying here may be outdated since you wrote this a while back. If it is, please ignore, and I hope you are feeling improvement.

Given your ongoing fatigue and other details, and given that I have been on this program for nearly 2 years, and learned accordingly, here is what I can contribute to the conversation:

1) I am glad that you said you want to do whatever it takes to assist the NB regimen. This is crucial.

2) I agree with others who said that you ease the supplement regimen. I especially agree because you are not doing a daily coffee enema. These are very important according to Dr Wilson. If you are not doing them, it makes sense that you are feeling even greater fatigue esp since you have added TMG.

3) You mentioned that you can only do the enema 2-3 times per week, which I completely understand. I barely did them at all, but I noticed an important change once I forced myself to do them daily.

I want to make sure to say that elimination pathways are crucial, but I know not everyone feels well enough to do these enemas every day. I share these suggestions in the hope it will help you move towards daily enemas.

If this helps to know, I use an enema bulb, which allowed me to do them daily. Using the bag version felt too much of a chore, incl all the clean up, but the bulb allowed me to do them in my bed, and the clean up is smaller, which made this version more realistic.

Also, I vary the amount of coffee a little, since it seems like the more I use, the more detoxification it stirs up.

So perhaps you can start off with a bulb or whatever works best for you, with a small amount of coffee plus the distilled water. We don't need to be rigid since we are all different and are at vastly different points in our health.

But if at all possible we must try to work towards some form of coffee cleansing.

4) You didn't mention your elimination. Since you are not doing regular enemas, do you eliminate every day? More than once? We all have to purge what is in our body that wants out or we will likely feel worse.

5) You mentioned that your fatigue has increased with the TMG. I just started that myself today, which is how I found this thread, so I cannot comment on how I feel on it.

However, I can say that since TMG helps with liver detoxification of metals, etc, it makes sense that especially if you are not giving your body every NB recommended support (coffee enemas), it makes sense your body cannot handle the detoxification it is doing.

So basically you have added another element via the TMG which is supposed to help with detoxification, but it is my opinion based on Dr. Wilson's information, that you really need the coffee enemas to assist the copper and other toxins in their exit from your body.

Again, sorry for the length. I hope it helps even a little bit. And I do hope you are feeling some lifting of your fatigue.

Take good care ...


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