Re: NB - duration of detox and extreme fatigue symptoms ?
I just posted about "My thoughts on NB". Is there anything on that list that might be causing a continued stressor for you?
OK so you have mentioned the self-gratification. I think only you can determine the number of times per week that this is tolerable. I myself did really limit sexua| activity the first year of NB. But I am a 50 yr old woman. I was crashing badly after. Do you crash after?
I think with AF there are many contributing factors involved. It is like checking off each stressor to make sure more work isn't needed in that area. This illness is a puzzle with quite a few pieces.
Sorry I don't know what TMG is? Interesting that it has caused an increase in fatigue since you started.
The copper release may be causing the fatigue. Maybe try easing up on all of your supps for a few days to a week.
I am very impressed with your sardine eating ability! I have 3 cans that have been sitting in my cupboard for many months.
Maybe others here will be more helpful. Hope you are feeling better soon.