Am I experiencing mercury detox symptoms??
Quick background: I had my mercury
Amalgam fillings (I had several) removed and replaced with ceramic one year ago while living in Istanbul (can't afford to do it in the U.S.!!) and during the process I ended up swallowing a few chunks while he drilled them out. The doctor did not seem concerned at all. A year later, I've been experiencing symptoms (including terrible brain fog/forgetfulness) and a colleague who is also an alternative health practitioner in Australia (we are living in Vietnam currently) asked me if I could have mercury toxicity. I explained my removal process, and she immediately had me order a product called Zeo One (apparently a zeolite) and chlorella from Australia. I started slowly, only taking 3 tabs of chlorella and one dose of zeo one once a day, and now have increased to the same dosages 4x per day.
I am experiencing constant headaches (which no medicine or accupressure will help), stomach bloating, and this month I've had extreme cramping with my period (not normal for me!)
Should I continue with my current regimen or scale down?
I will return to the U.S. in a week and have ordered the cilantro oil, more chlorella and more zeolite. BTW I absolutely cannot afford to go to a practitioner for I.V. treatments and things I've read about on the web, so I have to "treat myself" for this detox process.
Thanks in advance.