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Re: The Mystery of Contemplative Prayer
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Re: The Mystery of Contemplative Prayer

The problem with video/tv preachers is that you have to take the good with the bad sometimes. God knows we are doing the best we can and I hope He will forgive us when we post things that are not on the mark at times.

On the other subject. Whether we are in certain phases of sleep or hypnotism, there is a very vulnerable pathway for suggestion. What makes the difference in christian prayer and meditation, is that we focus on Him and His Word. We do not let our minds go empty. Leaving our minds empty is much like leaving a door open. Of course this sounds good to some Christians because they want to invite the Holy Spirit. I'm not saying the Holy Spirit can not enter this way, but there is so much more to it.

I know other religions may disagree with this thought, because they believe they become enlightened by doing so.....exactly....they do become enlightened...but possibly by the wrong enlightener....satan himself is a light bearer. Many who do meditate have told stories of entities that entered their minds and they knew it was something they did not want to enter.

This is the rub Rainy....for me at least and perhaps for you as well. Finding that balance to where we are asking God for everything He has for us...without fear....yet, keeping in check the things we know can set us back. I do believe some christians feel invincible and are not fearful in such things as mindless meditation. They either believe that the Spirit will not let anything happen to them as long as they bask in His love and power....or they believe if anything evil does come their way, they are ready to deal with it in God's power.

Now how do we view this? Do they just have greater faith than we do or are they reckless? I do believe sometimes, we can be too fearful and yes we hinder the Holy Spirit because of our lack of faith. I know I was raised by a Mother who sounded similar to some here when it comes to this sort of thing. In her warnings, she doubted most miracles that a pentecostalcharismatic would receive (she on the other hand saw very few miracles in her own life) and said it was from the devil. This caused a fear in me for many years, but it also caused me to not walk in victory as much as I would have liked.

Once I started shunning her thoughts and blasphemy about the working of the Holy Spirit, I started growing more and more. To the point where I would share what I had learned with her and even sharing with her some videos of my favorite pastors. Praise God, she has stopped the blasphemy and now asks me to take her to see these churches where the pastors can be found. She still is not a fan of speaking in tongues and some of the noisy praise...but that's ok. I'm just glad that she is being blessed by the message. Plus her spirit seems brighter these day,.


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