Re: Support from family and friends?
I believe the both sides of the story Lilac.
I was also stuck both physically and emotionally but the soon my body was helped to detox better and also helped adrenals my mood improves dramatically and I felt more able to "move on".
I was more than bedridden I can't even lie I bed...not sleeping more than 1 hour pe night...all systems were blocked. Lost 15kg couldn't eat anything
As I started diet
colonics plus liver and adrenal support and inflammation control I've noticed improvements from week to week. Especially mood and energy but the soon we've change supps (basic ones not NB) I crashed again.
But I did not know then about
parasites I found about months later after a new crash. Also did not figure out about hypoglycemia and adrenal implications. We were looking for candida and heavy metals only.
If it's possible the practitioner should help you find "the stuck" on you or you can try for yourself although I was not able to do it in the "crash months". There were/are also some mental barriers I have to "solve" but I've noticed that I can deal with them easily when I'm adrenal "balanced". I had to give up my 15 years career more because AF infections and stress / awful boses.
Reading talking with cz people helped a lot to understand my condition symptoms crashes etc and that understanding of AF calm my mind a lot. There are many things to solve ahead but understanding what is happening with me and finding the cause was the critical point.