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Re: Could parasites be the cause for other autoimmune conditons?
whenwillitend Views: 2,384
Published: 12 y
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Re: Could parasites be the cause for other autoimmune conditons?

I know that the hookworm can live and travel not only in the lymphatic system, but also in the venous system...I recently went to the E.R. with left leg pain that started out an inch or two below a none healing ulcer on my thigh. The pain was intermittent and ranged in severity. It moved from behind my knee down into my calf...then up towards my buttock and the major artery in my left groin. It kinda felt like the first fluttery feelings you feel when pregnant and your baby moves..except it was painful (extremely) symptoms fit all the signs of a deep vein thrombosis (blood clot) and an ultrasound was performed on the vein only with negative results ...the doctor ordered a CBC because I insisted I had systemic candida and parasites ...he scoffed at this and said my insurance wouldn't pay for the blood test. I requested a copy of the labs even though he said they were all fine, but they were not...Eosinophils and lymphocytes both were elevated...a fact he failed to mention. Other symptoms that night were muscle spasms in left leg, numbness and tingling on sole of left foot and the sensation that something was slowly, yet painfully moving through deep tissue...I just started on a few natural antiparasitics the week before and have never had these symptoms before. I have a blog journaling my experience if you are interested. I hope this helps :)


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