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Parasites and your body's electrical system
shroom Views: 589
Published: 12 y

Parasites and your body's electrical system

I had blood work and some physiotherapy done lately and the test results showed some anomalies.

First, the physio showed I had an unusual level of bio-electric activity in my body, and the doctor asked if I was diabetic. After I said no, he wondered if I might have some kind of parasite. We had a long chat after that.

The blood work showed I had conditions of dehydration, and low B12.

I have recently been very symptomatic, and had diarrhea for several days straight.

Stool analysis (my own) showed elevated parasitic load, but it turns out, I had a virus, and this caused increased bowel motility. I haven't seen any changes in the parasite or it's life cycle.

The parasite (for those unfamiliar) is a type of malaria, and is in the gut. It comes from an organism which looks like yeast, acts like yeast, and reproduces like yeast.
Genetic analysis says it is not fungal, and tests show it chain-reacts with plasmodium primers in PCR (knowleski and falciparum).

I am gearing up to find (discover)the ultimate chitinase, which I predict will wipe out most protozoan and fungal parasites.




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