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Re: Need Advice
lazza Views: 2,771
Published: 12 y
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Re: Need Advice

Just giving this SSKI thing more thought, perhaps the reason you're not experiencing detox symptoms is exactly because you are not taking Iodine (internally)? Although my knowledge of chemistry is pitiful, it would seem potassium Iodide is less reactive/volatile than iodine. Iodine would therefore be much harsher on the body whereas potassium Iodide would simply fall into the right place. Does this make sense?

Another thought: maybe SSKI solves only half the problem of Iodine insufficiency? I saw a presentation by one of the iodine doctors, either Brownstein or Flechas, that clearly stated which body parts (thyroid, fat, skin, prostate, ..) required iodine and which ones required iodide. So for full iodine sufficiency one needs to supplement with both iodine and iodide. Presumably this is why the iodine doctors promote Iodoral/Lugol's and not SSKI . Yet having said all this, it is possible one can resolve certain health issues by SSKI alone (...depending on which body parts are involved).

On a much smaller scale I too noticed the difference between iodine and potassium iodide. When I would take two Prolamine tablets, for a total of 6 mg iodine, I would get a detox reaction. However 1/2 Iodoral tablet, which is roughly 3 mg iodine and 3 mg potassium iodide, I didn't get a reaction. I would have to move up to a full Iodoral tablet to get a reaction. So it is really the iodine in Iodoral that has the "kick".



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