Re: What is your weight story?
Seems if there is adrenal issues coupled with thyroid problems then weight gain/loss is inevitable...just depends which is in a worse state to cause excessive gain or loss.
It took me a while to understand how i can be hypothyroid and losing weight. My adrenals are in a worse state than the i continued to lose weight.
I went down to 90lbs from my normal 126. I'm 5'7".
I've been eating like a horse, was in bed for 6 months and gained 8lbs consuming 3000 calories per day.
Recently i've been more physically active again and am losing everything i've gained.
If i stay in bed and eat like a horse i gain, when i move i lose. It's frustrating. I can't eat any more calories than i am, i would be eating all the time.
The biggest oddity i'm yet to understand is the hair test said my metabolism is super slow. So none of it adds up, hypothyroid, slow metabolism = loss of weight?
Adrenal exhaustion causes weight loss generally but i don't feel like i'm in exhaustion state anymore.