Re: What is your weight story?
Hello Amber.
Interesting you should post about this, as I to have gained 35-37
pounds the past 4 years. It was just over 4 years ago, the rope broke and I went into a severe adrenal crisis.
GOing slowly from a moderate to severe stage of AF to could bearly walk and anxiety unbeliebable. ( do to some controlled circumstances but, mostly uncontrolled)
But, I gained 22
pounds within 6-7 months. As in research and reading, I'm sure it was the high adrenaline, cortisol that would not stop and this supposidly effects the T4 from converting into T3 (thyroid) creating a high RT3, which caused weight gain.
I've put on fat and lost ( seems like) all my muscle, so have goine catabolistic.
ALso, makes sense in Dr. Lam's book about the Thyroid, female hormones, adrenal axis, maybe being females this is a more prone than as with the male. I don't know. Just my gander.
But, even before I got into this severe stage, I was having trouble loosing weight and would push myself in exercising and did not know back than, that the excessive exercise was making my adrenals worse and probably my thyroid, weight too, even when eating very healthy.
It is frustrating, isn't it. I've was a thin little toothpick through my 20's and 30's, than came along premenopause and more stress and more weight.
I'm not in the lease concerned about this now, as I just want to get over the first "hump" and out of this severe stage of AF, I've been stuck in for 2.2 years now.