Re: new here and interested in beck protocol
Yes, EBV isn't easy to be rid of. The E-lybra reports say its hiding in my lymph system, also the spine. But i have become rid of Herpes - i think it was Herpes 4 - equine.
Its a very good technique for the FDA lovers to attack Bob Beck protocol by asking WHAT is it removing. The one thing which is not in the protocol is a diagnosis system, therefore it is its vulnerable spot. I have become so much better when using it, that i know for sure that it works, i get regularly treatment by E-lybra which tells me clearly what goes on. But i cannot be sure if it is the e-lybra or the Bob Beck protocol which kills it.
Therefore; You FDA lovers, if you really want to know WHAT Bob Beck protocol kills off, get the medical lab yourself and do the work yourself.
Bob Beck designed the protocol to be the ordinary mans home doctor, and a pleasant doctor, one that speaks no latin or other thieves language, but who do the healing - END.