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Re: new here and interested in beck protocol
Johny Apple Bomb Views: 6,156
Published: 13 y
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Re: new here and interested in beck protocol

well we are talking $800-$1000 for this protocol and I only see anectdotal evidence. I want to talk to someone and not just read random comments on here. Is there anyone who has used it for blood cleansing or herpes or something they can prove? Thats what sucks so bad about this site is we dont know who is fake. If it cured things, why havent people tried it?


It doesn't matter to me if you use the protocol or not. Their are plans available on the internet for free so you could make your own devices for low amounts of money.

What other evidence could their possibly be besides anecdotal evidence? Do you think big pharma would publish any results proving this works better than Drugs? Do you actually think the AMA wants anyone to self treat infections instead of spending endless thousands in a hospital?

Here is a PDF that has some old studies on the protocol. It has the patents scientific studies etc.


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