Re: Please advise about DENGUE
Dear chickundvvi,
First off, I'm writing from my phone which doesn't allow me to see much of what I'm typinf. Pleease forgive my errors. A lot of wateer has passed undeer the bridge since I first wrothe this post! My husband came back home and reelpased with malaria. It was scary. I spent thee whole time. In the hospital with. Him, and read up on malaria while he was sleeping. Malaria has a very set cycle of symptoms due to the life of the parasite. Of course, there are tests for it, which can be definitively diagnosed by a hematologist or infectious disease specialist under a microscope in a short time. I think dengue takes longer, and I never heard of that other thing-yikes! I don't know where you are, but here in NY, the news of my husband's malaria got to the CDC, lickety split! I mean, these things are quickly, thoroughly, and effectively treateed here in the U.S. I'm one to shy away from allopathic medicine, but in this case, it saved his life, and the good news is that they have a drug cocktail which has the potential to permanently eliminate the malaria parasite. Ii don't know what the treatment is for dengue, being a virus. In the final analysis, I'm not even sure my husband had dengue, although the doctors in Pakistan said he did. Thank God, all of that is behind us now, but I am still trying to clean up his diet and give herbs to clean his liver, as he still has some degree of circles under his eyes. So far, he's dodged most of my efforts with the herbs. Knowing now what I didn't know then, I think Mu Shen has so many good suggestions, I would investigate them all and follow which ones seemed doable for you. I do know that in pakistan they feed papaya leaf tea as Mu mentioned, and even the fruit, for good measure, I suppose, the fruit. I hadn't checked the boards, and I would think by now that your daughter has a diagnosis, or some things have been ruled out. Do you know yet what she has? How is she doing? I know how scary it can be. Please update us!