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Re: I messed up my refeed (doh!)...
Lee Chance Views: 2,869
Published: 12 y
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Re: I messed up my refeed (doh!)...

PM Kate 1960,

I understand how hard the refeeding process can be and that's always something I struggle with even days before my fast ends (fearful of how I'm going to eat and how prepared my fridge will be) I havent suffered from edema but my gut has been distended bfore after over-eating and my legs and ankles have been swollen as well. My advice, if you can, try to go back to the liquid form. I normally try to do it for about half the time i fasted and then start to put in solid vegetables and fruit. typically, I don't add protein until the same amount of time has been passed that i actually fasted for. Another words, if I fast for 20, i drink juices for 10, then i let myself take in solid vegetables & fruits for another 10 before i start to introduce a little meat protein or milk. I don't know if you can get back to the point of cantaloupe & papaya or even go on another Water Fast for about 5 days but it might be the best thing. Sorry I couldn't have better advice.

- Lee Chance


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