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Re: X-Rays Necessary? with chiro
niteblume Views: 1,599
Published: 12 y
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Re: X-Rays Necessary? with chiro

Thank you Uny,

I DO know that I never want to be exposed to radiation. I was just wanting to know what to expect before I talk to a chiro...whether some of them would be willing to forego an x-ray. Also, I know that I have had sciatica for several years. One year in the beginning it was bothering me quite a bit. I couldn't stand very long at all. I'm not sure what I did to help it, but I think maybe I just learned how to sit in a way to not aggravate it. I have a footrest and a cushion behind my lower back when I sit on the couch and I always sit on the edge of my chair and on a cushion when in a hard chair. Of course, that footrest setup has given me bad posture.

So now I don't even know that it is the sciatica that is giving me the symptoms I named above. I wouldn't have thought so, but after doing some research I find that a numb face can even be connected to sciatica. It may just be wishful thinking on my part for it to be sciatica. I'm afraid of brain tumor because I know that Cell Phone s and cordless phones had affected me very badly before I realized how bad it was. I am now avoiding those two phones at all costs. I even try to stay away from my husband's Cell Phone inside a vehicle.

Anyway, I hope that the chiropractor who also does acupuncture will agree to take me w/o doing the x-rays. I will explain that I would like to consult with him.

I happen to have an inversion table at my house that I borrowed from my sister. I borrowed it to do what Dr. Christopher recommends for a prolapsed colon. What I have is a rectocele and I don't think it really would help with that. I wasn't able to go back very far b/c of it giving me a lot of pain in my ankles. I mainly borrowed it to find out if it is worth it to me to buy one. I think it might would be worth it sometime in the future but right now, I don't think it helps me enough to spend the time on it when there are so many different things I have to do right now.

I really appreciate your advice and would love to hear any other suggestions you might have.

Thank you.



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