Re: X-Rays Necessary? with chiro
Howdy NB!
On this forum I thought everyone knew that it is never essential (and certainly NEVER recommended) to expose oneself to health-destroying procedures & radiation in order to diagnose and heal ourselves.
I would never-ever subject myself to xrays to obtain chiropractic treatment (or any other treatement) unless the crisis was severely threatening...and I had no other options.
There ARE still chiros that know how to diagnose & treat without xrays - their diagnostic work is done by 'feel', reactions, discernment and experience.
If I felt I had a sciatic issue and couldn't locate a chiro quickly, I'd get an inversion table (something we should all have anyway, as they're fantastic for stretching, relaxation, taking pressure off the spine, and easing things back into alignment). That would be less expensive, too - and you'd have it forever :)