Re: how to fell die off or medicine reaction?
Usually a die off is causes what is known as a Herxheimer reaction. Such reactions most often begin as flu type symptoms and appear, depending on the illness, condition or disease you are fighting, within several days of taking the treatment or supplement.
When you have a die off from a tumor you may feel pain in the area where the tumor is; this is usually a sign of temporary inflammation, [not always] and the die off or necrosis of the tumor cells.
Each disease or condition will die off in a timely fashion depending on the type of treatment but usually will manifest itself in more or less of a flu like symptoms. I have had people describe the die off of using a frequency generator as feeling 'bad' or 'ill', coming down with the 'flu', achy, etc. Some that are using the new BX Antitoxin describe the reaction after an injection as feeling 'sick' like coming down with a flu, some aching or pain in areas where tumors are known.
After a length of time, several days, maybe a week, depending again on what you are fighting and what treatment you are using, the reaction will subside; continued taking the supplement, treatment etc will most likely cause another reaction. If you are concerned, stop the supplement and see if the reaction subsides. This should let you know what you were doing was causing the reaction. You can then know it is working and not making your worse, if it was it would not stop once you stopped the supplement.
Good luck.