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Re: how to fell die off or medicine reaction?
ericbakker Views: 1,658
Published: 12 y
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Re: how to fell die off or medicine reaction?

A good question.

Look more so at what you are eating whilst you are on a supplement program. You have more direct control over these factors.

Don’t be confused with a worsening of your yeast infection symptoms when taking an anti-fungal dietary supplement as opposed to the aggravation experienced when you eat or drink something that may also cause a reaction instead. This is easily done and can be confusing, for this reason when this occurs, I prefer patients to stay rather strictly on controlled (and carefully monitored) diet and thus eliminate this situation from occurring.
A "low-allergy diet" will start to make sense in these circumstances, and you can see why an elimination of any potential allergenic foods makes a lot more sense. Most all people with a yeast infection have some degree of leaky gut, and it is easy to have a food reaction when you are going through your candida program, and you don’t want to automatically assume that this food reaction was because of yeast dying off. It may make you stop supplementation or cut the dosage, and this could delay your recovery and could give yeasts and bad bacteria the upper hand they have been waiting for!
When you follow this line of treatment and experience any aggravation, you will know whether it is caused by a food or the supplements. Keeping a food diary is therefore a good idea, and by following a "symptom tracker" you will soon see if your aggravation is from a particular food or dietary supplement.
You may experience some degree of die-off, but the effect of the anti-fungal should never be "intolerable". After having understood your individual signs and symptoms of yeast infection, and you suspect that you have a severe case, then you are probably experiencing die-off and the severity of the die-off will usually be in proportion to the dosage of the supplements you have been taking. If die-off effect is TOO strong, the dose of anti-fungal treatment should be decreased for sure.

My book explains these concepts, and is finally available on This was a brief excerp found on page 522, btw.


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