Out of respect for the weight of the queston I will wait to respond in full. However... I believe with all my heart, soul and mind that the system that was created to trap and kill the offspring born of the black slave race has been implimented to destroy the descendents of the "middle" and certainly the "lower middle class" of the white's of the past 50 years. Fascinating to me as it is, the blacks had the knowledge and courage to understand this play and fight back, yet the white folks can't quite see it. Please do not misunderstand me, being black is still much harder than being white in America, yet I pose the question.....If a ghetto is where the majority of the population are uneducated, poor, dreamless, hopeless, on government assistance, on drugs of any kind, where most people are armed, and there's a liquor store on every other corner, and so on and so on.... Well, I may not be able to show you a full blown ghetto, but I can think of a few hundred about to erupt. One is right outside my window.