19 y
Re: 4 1/2 yr old w/ asthma & allergy
I used urine therapy to stop my asthma/relive it/stopped it for about 4 months, but I'm pretty sure my body will pay for what I did since urine is toxic and I don't have clean blood I guess the urine was working like a steroid, but I choose not to use UT anymore. There's a product on MH's site called air restore that can help him out, I'm very excited about trying it when I get my pay check. But most of all you must remove all mucous causing products out of his/her life, I found I could breath better when I did that also, and distilled water helps a lot.
No butter, Cheese, milk, nothing Dairy is the way to go!!
also some here would suggest an OJ fast, a sit bath, and a visit to the chiropractor. I've read many testimonials of allergies and asthma getting a lot better after bones were realigned, I'm still saving up to see a chiropractor but MH says there's a free method by rolling down a grassy hill naked... good luck finding a grassy hill without chemicals on it.
I believe that faith in god and no doubt in the mind can make anything possible, so also teach the 4 year old the believe his asthma is gone while treating him and it will disappear.