Re: Best SCD Yogurt Maker?
I make the SCD yogurt. A yogurt maker was hard to find for some reason . I ended up buying one from Sears. Anyhow, this one has a big tub it is easier, faster to clean up, easier to store in the fridge plus you can make more. I think the jars are great if you have kids and/or if you have time and like a project in the kitchen. My yogurt maker is big plastic tub inside a larger matching plastic warmer. It has a lid then it another clear plastic lid. since I avoid using plastic my ND told me stay away from all plastics. So now I use a wide mouth glass Mason jar that works perfectly. The only good thing about my yogurt maker is that it came with a great food thermometers which I really love, only because 110 is highlighted and 180 is highlighted! :) So, you know that you boil and stir constantly until the food thermometor hits 180 and you turn off the stove and let it cool to 110. An idea I had is that making yogurt in crock pot could be just as easy The crock pot will need a a warming temperature 100-110 because you will need the yogurt to cook for 24 hours at that temperature . The recipe in the book is easy 1
quart (liter) of milk boiled to 180, then cool the milk to 110. Make a paste by adding some of the milk once it is cooled into 1/4 cup organic plain yogurt( I used Nancy's plain yogurt ) I also add some other probiotics, bacillus subtillus and vital probiotics supplement. I cut the recipe in half since we eat small bowls of yogurt I also think it is smart to time how long it takes the milk to cool to 110 once you know that you can just set the kitchen timer each time that way your not wasting your time running back and fourth to the kitchen to checking the temperature to see if it as 110.