Taking on Bladder Cancer with Cannabis
Approximately two and a half years ago I was diagnosed with stage 1 bladder cancer after having experienced blood in the urine and slight pain when urinating. Non-invasive surgery followed using a catheter, this was called a trans urethral resection.
Two years went by without a problem and then blood appeared again in the urine followed by another resection in December 2012. This was followed 2 months later (Feb 2013) by another to cauterize excessive bleeding and I was advised by the Urologist that the tumour was quite invasive.
In the meantime all sorts of scenarios passed through my mind including the finality (physical) of euthanasia because the thought of bladder removal and leading a healthy life as an invalid was not very appealing to me.
Anyway, after the second operation in February the Urologist recommended chemotherapy and then after the third operation changed his mind to radiation therapy.
However, with several years of experience researching the antics of government legislation, in particular Big Pharma, I decided to use an alternative natural treatment -- cannabis extract oil -- that I had read about from the website of Rick Simpson. ..........video below)