In order to be happy, need we have religions? In order to love, need we build temples? Truth cannot be found in the dark sanctuary of temples, nor in the well-lit halls of organized societies. Neither can it be found in books nor in ceremonies... Go down to the sea where the breeze is blowing and the waves are breaking over each other. You want to gather & bind all that beauty into a narrow temple? Do not allow your mind or your heart to be bound by anything. If you do, you will establish another religion - another temple. You must not create little gods and worship at little shrines. Who wants to worship by the light of one candle, when you can have the sun.
With the above having been said by Krishnamurti, at a 1925 gathering of The Order of the Star in the Netherlands, in which thousands of people attended to celebrate 50 years since the founding of the Theosophy movement, the split within the Theosophy movemet had begun. Krishamurti, later in 1929, he dissolved The Order of the Star & refused to be the head of an established organized religion that was being attempted to be created by the Theosphists. (part 4)