Re: insomnia issues
guess ill just have to get used "insomnia issues" during breaks then. and stick to cutlers dosages for ala.. play it conservative.
seems like IMAM only made things worse mercury wise too. im having to get up and pee and drink almost as bad as before i found this forum. and even small amounts of old adrenal mix consistently make me have to get up and pee shortly after words, and thats NEVER happended.. but granted regarding imam, cant drink much of it because of ulcers. speaking of which, i can remember my g-ma telling me about some people she knew who frequently ate with hot sauce, frequently had the runs. solid BM's are still about as rare for me as earthly Angels, and i think cayenne's are a highly
food sensitivity /allergy prone food for most. so if we're having it with every meal, and/or with every dose of chelation(to be able to handle the acid)couldnt that end up making digestion worse in the long run..? i would think food immune reactions and the intestional inflammation that probably goes w/it would e a real digestion killer.
and oh wait, cant fast with diabtes issues if one wants to remain productive and halfway functional. even sipping on juice and maple syrup/lemon water still floors me after about a day.