this is only based on my experience with rife (F165+bean SG-1) - if the right frequency is used for the pathogen, it does not take a long time to kill it, it's almost instant in some cases
whenever there are problems with getting rid of the pathogen (could be anything, meaning all
parasites that invade the body and are pathogenic for us) it means only that
- the frequency is not right for the pathogen (meaning that the pathogen does not get killed by that specific frequency, maybe only irritated/aggravated sometimes this makes the whole situation much worse)
- the pathogen is covered by the biofilms (mainly bacteria, protozoa, fungus) and/or another pathogen that
parasites on the other
parasite (they do it a lot, after all it's all part of the nature) or by some kind of a heavy metal creating unbreakable armor
I'm occasionally in similar situations when I think "it" is not killable but then it turns out that I did not treat the right thing or "it" was covered by something therefore unreachable by the frequencies and "it" got merely angry/aggravated
as soon as you apply the correct match (frequency=pathogen) and the pathogen is reachable (not covered, not in an "armor") then the killing is very fast actually
so you might want to change the strategies to get into the bottom of the problem