Re: What should I expect from gastroenterologist app?
Hi Hope
thanks very much for your kind words. I look better I think - but I still feel pretty awful and still get them moving around - so they are still there, albeit maybe in smaller numbers, let's hope so... Over the years I have passed so many worms with cleansing, I don't know when it ends..... hence I went to the drugs rather than the herbal route alone which produced worms, but never got the flukes out.
You mentioned
colonic irrigation in another post.. I did do several of these in rounds. The first time, I did about 12 sessions over a few months and it was amazing and revolting the amount of old feces and muck that was in my colon. I couldn't believe my eyes. I however, don't think you want to do
colonic irrigation whilst taking meds, but it will flush the medication out of your system, and you don't want to do that. ICU says to stop doing enemas during treatment. From time to time I'll do a very low volume
coffee enema just to help move the toxins out, but nothing high volume like
colonic irrigation - you might want to leave that till after you've finished your med round.