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I need to know whats going on in my body. its worse for me than my son and boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!
mikeysmom08 Views: 2,234
Published: 12 y

I need to know whats going on in my body. its worse for me than my son and boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have lived most of my life with migraines and they don't know why. I moved up north and go a new place for my family. not even 2 months of living in my new place I have all these spots that turn into sores all over my body. I developed blisters from head to toe. I couldn't sit or stand with out them popping. so I went to the hospital and by the time I got there not even 5 mins later the blisters were gone but my blood pressure was sky high. they told me its anxiety and scabies and gave me a cream. about 4 hours later I go back in and they tell me its bed bugs. I cant wear clothes so when I went in I was only wearing a sheet. didn't have a temp. or nothing so they just said to use the scr1pt for that too. the doctor called my boyfriend out of the room and told him he was just going to give me the scr1pt and make me think I have something. he don't think I have anything. he told my boyfriend im delusional. about 4 or 5 days later I go back into the hospital cant breath, blisters from head to toe, feel like im burning, and very cold to the touch, my head is numb, my ears are ringing, im shacking uncontrollably, and I told them I watched what I thought was a blood clot go from my foot to my head. they stuck me about 6 different times to try and start an IV but they couldn't get a drop of blood pretty much so I was very dehydrated too. they stuck some warm blankets on me and a head pack on my hand and then after a while they were able to start one. I was then admitted to ICU I I stayed there for 3 days. they told me I I over dosed on aspirin and I know I didn't but they said my body wasn't metabolizing it. when I got discharged they didn't do anything or give me any medications to take home with me. (oh and they kept me pretty doped up on adivan.) I made sure I went home and drank lots of water to stay hydrated. nobody else had any symptoms. not even a week later my symptoms come back 10 fold. I had no energy, still couldn't sleep. I went to sleep 3 to 4 days later and it was all of a sudden. I slept so hard and I didn't toss and turn but I was shacking like I had termers or having a seizure. it was so bad when I finally got to sleep my boyfriend would stay awake and keep an eye on my. poor appitate, no energy, very tired when I wake up like I haven't sleep in days to weeks, migraines like I always have most of my life, cant stand or walk by myself for mor than 5 mins with out holding on to something or help from someone. I cant get out of bed to give my son a shower let alone cook him a meal. I cant hang out with him and play with him because of the blisters keep coming back so I cant wear clothing and cant cover up. ive isolated myself to my bed. I cant work, clean my house. so I began to do research and a lot of it. 3 days and 3 nights straight abot scabies, bed bugs, and my symptoms. then I started looking into Morgellons disease and lyme disease. I still see whatever it is in my body moving and I got to the point where I felt like I had an eel my body giving off electrical vibrations all through my body. then I looked up a detox foot bath for parasites and I did it and had the worst pain of my life all through my body when I stuck my feet in the water. I had to turn the bubbles off because they were messing with me making me feel really weird. my son came running out of his room asking whats happening to my mommy. I also collected particles of my bed like fibers, black pepper specks, pieces that look like glass and pieces that look like wood. if I touched them or they touched me they would sink back into my body. my boyfriend has some symptoms but nothing close to as bad as son has also. a hot show will make my symptom,s worse and I couldn't take the feeling anymore so I went back into the hospital and told them we (me and my son) have a parasite and I would like to tested for lyme disease. they took us back and im sitting there and my head feels like its covered in bumble bees my heads vibrating, buzzing and I feel like im being electrocuted. I felt like I was about to pass out like I do right before my body cant stay awake anymore. they told me I needed to calm down because I was hyperventilating and in so much pain. my son was crying and saying mommy I hurt and it hurts to pee so he had to go pee and I asked them if they wanted a urine sample and they said no and they came in and gave me an Ativan and asked if I wanted to talk to a mental health counselor and I said no y you trying to admit me and she said I don't know but your pretty close. and said there's nothing wrong with my son because he has a lot of energy and when you get home give him a Benadryl and calm him down. I was told to get him to the doctors so he can get some meds because he is ADHD. I told her I will talk to my therapist tomorrow. so I did that and I had to go see a crisis's worker. I explained everything to her and that they told me I was synopsis and in the manic stages, I have flight of ideas, im delusional. bipolar. and I told her all the symptoms we were all having and I gotten ahold of a lady from a nature path around here and I have an appointment this next week with her because im not the only one around here that she has heard this from. its all over this county. the crisis worker told me im not synopsis and 3 people cant have the same synopsis. I had my sister come and get my son because I cant take care of him right now. the pain that I have is no pain ive ever had before. its so deep into my bone and theres nothing you can do to ease it. my joints hurt. I feel funny if I get touched, I can feel and see something move in my body. when my neck tightens from whatever it is in my body my neck will hurt on my right side goes up around /under my ear and into the core of my head. it felt like something was eating its way through my body. nothing has ever worked for my migraines, so many diagnosis and so much meds and nothing works. I had to have my gull bladder removed due to stones and the pain I had before I have to this day and when whatevers moving it feels like it hangs onto something around my liver area. I need help. I have been using food grade DE and you can see specks in my pee and poop same with my son and boyfriend. when I take a shower io cant close my eyes because they will stick together like suction cups my vagina isn't right anymore either. I don't pee out of where im suppost to it has split apart and I pee out of a little hole down from the top. I cant take this and if this is how im going to die take me now and don't make me suffer. I have lesions, I can watch this mover I have recorded it. my blood clots so fast and it never has before. I don't drink anything but water anymore and I really don't eat either. when I feel it move into my head the mussels in my face are affected and sometime in my hands and legs too. I need some help and I need some releaf. my son had round worms a year ago. please help me because I cant find anyone else to. im begging !!!!!!


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