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Re: Implants

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

MH 108 Views: 1,555
Published: 19 y
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Re: Implants

probably not.

this is a subject that dates back 60 years and many, many people have been murdered in and out of the armed forces over implanted devices. my wife's cousin was the smartest girl in her college, she was recruited by wright patterson airforce base with the lure of big mason $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. she is gone all the time. she is just a bean counter with no prior experience and one of thousands of civilian workers there.

it never made sence why the usa airforce wants this little girl all over the usa. for years now she travels and stays away for a week at a time. then you read a disclosure by some x-airforce men blowing the whistle on all the covert operations they were envolved in or new of and in the giant list is mentioned "operation whiz kid" at wright patterson airforce base. the recruiting of the smartest kids in each college as an experiment to implant their brains and rob the power of their very souls so to say. now maybe this is just a bunch of hog wash, but many, many years ago wright patterson air force base showed on public tv that their fighter jets have 700 guages and things that must be checked by the pilot and he can not do this fast enough on his own, so they implanted 2 probes in the back of these guys heads that attach to their helmets and computer and this makes tghe eyes and brain change the instruments by thought alone. i mentioned "whiz kid" to her one day and she knew nothing of course, it would make no differance to her at this point because she is hooked on the easy $$$$$$$$$$$ and her career now is more important than children in her life.

maybe 30 years ago they were implanting probes in baby salmon, years later the salmon swim past computers that identifies each salmon. maybe 10 years ago pbs shows the entire country of belgium was implanted via usa money. in the usa we openly implant certain health issues such as pace makers, diseases where the person may wonder off as well as some prisons implant the prissoners.

i would suggest all are implanted or have it coming in their future if the un and who have their way.

if a hypnotise can make men fly jets into the twin towers and woman and kids explosde bombs on their bodies in crowded areas, you ain't learned anything until you study what implants can do and how small those tiny little suckers can be.

nano is a word of the future in medicine and just about everything.




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