Orgasm is a release of neural gland endorphines. LOL. a comment turned treatise. LOL.
My partner and I practiced tantra in hundu and zen practices, and abstinance, as intellectual partners rather then lust partners.
Sex is for procreation, yet like everything else, humans misuse SEX to sell everything from cars and homes and wars, to breath mints, junkfood and beer. "SEX sells" is what madison ave teaches, sell the "SIZZLE" not the steak, this is advertising to mans lusts and 5 senses, specifically orgasm endorphin glands, and is responsible for all the overpriced car sales and junk sales. Notice how you often see an attractice semi naked woman on an overpriced car ad? This is done to trigger the SEX center of a mans brain so he spends $65,000 for a new car instead of $10,000 for basically the same car 1 year older. In weak minded or uneducated males the sex endorphines can even overide thier critical thinking ability. All the car dealers need is to create enough lust endorphin release in a males brain long enough to sign ....... for the $65,000 dollar overpriced car.Overpriced car dealers,peddlers and advertisers laugh about this when they design overt or suggestive or subliminal pr and ads to separate you from your $$$$$ via ad and pr trigger of orgasmic endorphines. PR and advertising agency moguls easily pay 9 or 10 million for entire departments at universities and physiology and biochemical depts to do studies of every chemical released in orgasm and then have ads, visuals, colors, sounds and jingles created to TRIP the orgasm neural and physiological orgasm gland release TRIGGERS. My old university neurology dept was granted 6 million dollars by adverstisers to find out what SMELLS tripped peoples orgasm gland triggers. This ia all done to tap into and exploit nature, gland release of endorphins nature made for procreation and mate and offspring nurture protection care bonding feel good etc endorphins and exploit them, use them to SELL JUNK, by con-fusing humans endorphin/orgasm/gland release so humans buy junk instead and feed $$$$ to the advertisers and peddlers and do not feed one another or thier offspring. Talk about perverts intentionally perverting humans basic sex drives, depleting orgasmic gland fluids/endorphins and natures, to peddle uneccessary over priced junk to them! In the brain the sex drive is a strong hardwire of neural synapses, this transmission is the last to go in biological degeneration, the lust for food and sex are both strong habits, strong neural imprints, transmissions. Only survival, is stronger transmission then sex and often sex transmission overides that!!!!
I agree with hilton hotema that man has depleted vital life fluid via over- ejaculation, that's why the nut houses in england were full at the turn of the century, men masterbated themselves insane, depleted thier glands and vital fluids and had to live as wards they were so metally degenerated and biologically depleted, early mds used to warn against the dangers of excess masterbation but thier warnings went unheard and out of vogue with the "SEX sells" junk media predation and advertising.
Orgasim is a high experienced so people will enjoy procreation, predators misuse orgasm, turning it into a "high' a chemical transmission rush, and men ejaculate for a high, just like they get a high playing a joystick game and vcr, or playing with an entertainment center, fast cars or drugs, and alcohol, as these things excite the orgasmic center of the brain and release endorphins. Crack cocaine actually stimulates the orgasm center of the brain which is why crack cocaine drug addicts are so hard to get unaddicted to crack, and they often become sex addicts to pay for thier crack cocaine habits. It is all neurology and endorphin rushes, some people experience orgasmic highs while running or jogging, chocolate also stimulates this endorphin orgasm center, that's why there are so many are chocolate addicts, they like the endorphin chemical rush.
Hotema said orgasmic fluid in healthy men and women is clear, he wrote the thick white fluid, white pus like discharge is gonnorhea and or early syphliss. I asked an md who agreed and the md said when burning occurs in urination, only then does the person finally seek or get treatment, usually antibiotics, the md agreed most are in a pre gonnorhea stage in as far as thier orgasmic fluid is thick cloudy white pus filled with bacterias, early gonnorhea, candida and leukorhea stages. Yellow and green emissions are the very diseased infectious std transmission stages.
A chinese herbalist told me married chinese couples may have sex once or twice a week for one or two minutes and that is normal for married chinese sex life. He said the american, etc. p 0 r n movies with hours of sex are nonsense and are just made to create perverts and sex addicts so more junk and junk p 0 r n can be sold to them.
Stupid, sex addicted degenerated men will crawl on thier bellies thru mud and broken glass to get sex, that is how addictive the chemical endorpin release of the orgasmic center of the brain is. An md told me only HEROIN and nicotine are stronger addictive chemicals. War generals have used sex for centuries to dupe sex addicts, promise of greed/money, and sex/lust as spoils to get stupid men to follow them into wars, the promise of a free rape, free sex, with women as spoils of war, to the conquering degenerates who follow war generals, ususally to thier own early devil duped deaths.
Online are old md books with pictures of 1st 2rd and 3rd generation etchings of people with continuing inherited congenital gonnorhea and syphliss, they show deformities generation after generation, externally identified as bulging swollen eyes, balding, deranged unbalanced facial features, abnormal protrusions, unsymetrical features, stunted limbs, limited thinking capacities, amoral thinking and many internal disorders. Penilcillin, diet,lifestyle and hygiene was supposed to cure this but the people who need penicillin and help most, rarely seek it, and many are too far gone, even today most refuse to change diet and hygiene and lifestyle and clean and heal thier bodies, so the congenital deformaties of gonnorhea and syphilss, candida which is early cancer, and leukorheas,infectious female gonnorhea discharges, continue generation after generation. The effect of wrong diet, wrong hygiene and lifestle is so bad that today when we find a fit healthy person, male or female, they are so RARE, we put them in a museum called hollywierd and pay them $$$$$$ so everyone can look, stare, eyeball and gawk at them, just because they look normal, good and healthy!!!!!
Since sex is such a strong neuro chemical endorphin chemical, feel good, releasing neural transmission, even doped up old men dying of alsheimers perk up at the mention of sex and food, because those are the last two addiction pleasure transmission centers in the brain to expire.
Women are less sex addicted, despite what p 0 r n peddlers say, because as bearers of children, to preserve thier bodies and biological health, lives, healthy females mate only sporadically with males who will protect them and protect and provide for them and thier offspring, that is natural for species survival. Women used to give sex to get love and security, men used to give love and security to get sex, today the economics are changed. In social welfare countries women refuse to breed with non supportive males,prefering the use of sperm banks of fit healthy males and social welfare economy to degenerate partnering offspring, offsping of the dissolute if gained thru rape or coersion are given to the state as orphans or raised as state wards. With the pill and sex as an advertising tool, much sex confusion occurs regarding sex and much orgasmic trigger sex and masterbating occurs depleting both sexes of vital glandular fluids. Religious mds say when a promiscuous person has multiple sex partners a glue or substance in that person is dissapted with each different union leaving the person 'bonding glue depleteted' and gland atrophied and degenerated. In monogamy this glue maintains union to raise offspring and stay life partners, md researchers and scientists have identified this bonding glue as "oxytocin", a chemical that makes parents bond with and love and nurture thier offspring and partner. Without oxycotin, a human cannot and does not feel or have the chemical impetuous to bond with a mate and nuture offspring.
Love is a BIG circle and sex is just one little circle in the BIG CIRCLE of love and needs to be understood correctly. Think of a BIG ROUND 10 INCH CIRCLE, that is love,now think of a small 1/2 inch round circle in that big 10 inch circle of love,
that smaller circle within a bigger circle is sex, sex is just a small part of the bigger picture of love.
The devil/masons, idots, exploiters, predators, profitters, salesmen, etc., whomever.. misuse sex for procreation as 'Lust', misue money for exchange as 'Greed', misuse food as 'Gluttony', misuse 'Fear' as a con-troll, misuse beauty as 'Vanity', misuse rightous indignation and instead try to provoke and inflame, incite 'Anger', misuse apprecation to create 'Envy', and misuse self and other protective instinct as ego 'Pride'.
Greed, fear, lust, anger, vanity, pride, envy, and gluttony are well known 7 deadly sins/traps humans fall into, based on the imbalance of thier 5 senses. If you rebuke those 7 deadly sins/traps, you will be less imbalanced and lead a more healthy and balanced life.