Re: reversing the punishment of sex. There will always be negative side efects for misuse of this rare human life.
It is a fact that excessive use of the genitals, causes one to loose vital life force, decreases memory, makes one prone to more illness, and further binds us to the material concept of life which only prevents us from tasting higher transcendental energies.
In the five tibetan rites, the sexual energy can be harnessed and channeled up through the higher chakras for better overall health.
I have met saintly persons and they all advocate celibacy. One such person has never passed semina in his entire life. He can remember everything with the most perfect memory. He was offered 16 million dollars to get married and he rejected all of it, because these things only offer temporaty pleasure with a whole lot of suffering on the side by not allowing us to relish the sweeter nectar emanating from the spiritual worlds.
To some humans the taste of dead flesh is very good, but when ones taste for sweet fruits and vegetables become awakened, there becomes a natural aversion to that which is dead. So when one desires to hear about the Supreme Personality of Godhead, drops of mercy are experienced and the sex life of material appears as fools gold.
These are all things that must be experienced to be understood, for it is not possible for someone to hear about honey and then all the sudden they will know about it, that is not possible, and if the person is sick, they will not be able to enjoy honey anyway they take it.
So, we are all actually in a very sick condition and this material worls is just like a hospital and the physicians are the saints. If you want to remain sick then don't go to them, but if you do want to get well, then go inquire from them. Don't woory if you relapse, just keep on trying and you will get better and then you will be strong to help others.