There are iodine receptors all over the body and iodine will help clean up all tissues and organs, including the skin.
Thyroid needs 3% prefers iodide (50mg iodide)Lungs prefer iodideSkin needs 20% and prefers iodideSalivary Glands prefer iodideMuscles (650mg) and fat needs(700mg iodine) 70% Breast tissue needs 3-5 mg / day minumum and prefers iodineProstate prefers iodineStomach prefers iodineEntire body needs 1500 mg - 2gm totalDaily Iodine needs just to function properly:Thyroid needs 6 mg iodide /dayBreast needs 5 mg iodine /dayOther tissues needs 2 mg/day(adrenals, thymus, ovaries, hypothalamus, pituitary and others)
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