There are iodine receptors all over the body and iodine will help clean up all tissues and organs, including the skin.
Thyroid needs 3% prefers iodide (50mg iodide)
Lungs prefer iodide
Skin needs 20% and prefers iodide
Salivary Glands prefer iodide
Muscles (650mg) and fat needs(700mg iodine) 70%
Breast tissue needs 3-5 mg / day minumum and prefers iodine
Prostate prefers iodine
Stomach prefers iodine
Entire body needs 1500 mg - 2gm total
Daily Iodine needs just to function properly:
Thyroid needs 6 mg iodide /day
Breast needs 5 mg iodine /day
Other tissues needs 2 mg/day
(adrenals, thymus, ovaries, hypothalamus, pituitary and others)
One of the functions Iodine has in the skin is sweating.
Lugol's iodine seems to be the one that causes the least amount of issues that I have her on the forum.
Just make sure you are taking the companions, especially, selenium and vitamin C.
For some, tyrosine seems helpful because it is part of the conversion of T4 to the active form T3.