how does iodine effect perimenopause/menopause?
I have been supplementing with Iodoral for the past 2.5 yrs. for low thyroid symptoms. I feel the
Iodine has really balanced out my hormones and helped with my fibrocystic breasts, etc.
My past included years of oral birth control and then the harmful/painful side-effects including acne, painful bloating, abdominal pain, amenorrhea, no progesterone, etc. for 2 yrs. I was told that I would have to get fertility treatments to get pregnant. I am crediting
Iodine for helping me get pregnant without trying at age 40 (now 43)and giving me an excellent pregnancy and healthy baby.
My question is - since
Iodine balanced out my hormones and made me extra fertile, how will iodine effect my future? I will ever go into perimenopause or menopause? Will I keep menstruating? I am just wondering what to expect. Any advice or ideas out there?