Re: Colostrum for candida and parasites?
What a shame, colostrum is not as expensive in NZ as it is many other countries, our dairy industry does produce a high grade colostrum and I believe that it is a reasonably priced supplement for the benefits it confers. I see colostrum rather as a food than a dietary supplement.
With regards to dosage, when 1000mgs of colostrum is combined with glutamine (1000mg) and inulin (1000mg), and particularly when combined with lac. acid and bifidus in sufficient amounts, you will find that the results can be excellent.
Colostrum on its own can work well from 2 - 4000mgs. I believe that 6000 - 12,000mgs is more the upper end or dosage. A good daily dose for most adults would be 2,500mgs, about two teaspoons per day. Best colostrum is that taken from the cow within two hours of giving birth, you will find that THIS form of colostrum has the best cytokine profile, but it comes at a price naturally. With most all standard forms colostrum which are available however, no attention is paid to when it is taken from the cow. This is like how most commercial herbs are harvested today - no attention paid to the optimal time of harvest, and hence the potency will be found to be very "average" to say the least.
This may be why you believe that 6 grams are sufficient as a beneficial dose when it comes to colostrum?