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Other enzymes and biofilm, relation to bacteria
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Other enzymes and biofilm, relation to bacteria

Here's two more links. The first one discusses fibrinolytic enzymes like nattokinase and lumbrokinase, and how to use them to break up biofilm in the gut.

A summary of what the doctor in that article is doing is:
First he has patients take enzymes and EDTA, then thirty minutes later take various antimicrobials (rotating berberine, artemisia herb, echinacea, goldenseal, gentian, tea tree oil, fumitory, oregano oil, neem, etc). Then an hour later taking binders to help mop up the debris (binders like charcoal, chitosan not to be confused with chitinase, citrus pectin)

Anyway, perhaps the professor you are in touch with might be interested in comparing types of enzymes, along with chitinase.

The second link below, if I'm reading it right, says that EDTA chelates calcium out of biofilms, thus weakening the biofilm: (EDTA is easy to buy from various online vitamin supplement websites).

Whatever you decide to ask your professor, good luck and please tell us what you end up learning!



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