Re: Feeling out of breath.
Hi Diana, isn't it sad that after so long we are still living the same nightmare? I cannot believe that you were even running and feeling much better and then the symptoms creep back. This is really not fair, I really hope that they pay for all the damage that they caused and are still causing to others.
You know my baby is so dependent of the breast and she is super picky with food, I struggle with her just to eat a few spoons so I haven't really tried to wean her because I dont want her to end up with nutrition problems. I tried to see if she would take the bottle so I could pump milk and freeze it , so I could do a major detox for a few days but she wont take the bottle. She never liked it since she was new born and now it's worse. She still nurses like every 3 hours, yeah I know can you believe this? so hard on me.
I really hope that all of this is just my hormones or toxins from mirena because I'm so scared of having MS or Lupus. I hate taking drugs and I dont know what I would do if this is the case and I have to take drugs with awful side effects.
Thanks Dianna for always being here for me and for taking the time to reply to me. God bless you for your kindness.