Re: Feeling out of breath.
Hi Friend :)
I know you've had lab work done over the last few years. Were your iron levels generally high? I know that when I started exercising last year (more than just my regular work around the house) by walking/jogging, I found that my housework made me less exhausted and out of breath. It was like my heart became stronger by really pushing myself, so the daily things weren't as taxing. During my first year or two post IUD, I spent so much time in bed, doing so little, I think my body became very weak. I don't know. Maybe heavier exercise would be too hard on you at this point. But when I started exercising more heavily, it was because I was desperate, not because I felt much stronger. I was reading about the benefits of heavy cardio exercise to the brain - how the increased oxygen levels in the brain and cells throughout the body are healing. The feeling of being stronger came after a couple months of the exercise. And after this long cold winter of less exercise, I can tell a difference. I have slid back in my recovery. Now that spring is coming, I will keep you posted to see if I feel better as I get more exercise and sun exposure. :)
I'm finishing up a rough month myself. Over the last year, I have become pretty predictable with my hormones/symptoms/cycles. For example, I can tell clearly when I am ovulating for many reasons. I can tell when I am exactly 1 week away from starting my cycle. But last month (for most of April), I never could figure out when things were happening for me. I couldn't tell when I was ovulating. It was strange.
And my other brain symptoms were severe all month: breast pain (which I usually have ONLY one week before I start my period and ONLY on my left side where I have a cyst) was on both sides and lasted for most of the month until I finally started my period; some joint pain; very spacey/dizzy; marked weakness in my hands and thumbs; burning sensations in my hands and feet; shakiness in my whole body; some anxiety; feeling like I couldn't take a full breath (trying to yawn constantly to get a feeling of getting a full breath); headachy. I was feeling these things all month long. I never had a "good" stretch between ovulation and a few days before my period starts. I was starting to feel the old demons returning, wondering what disease I have - thinking it was MS after all, researching on the internet (which only freaks me out). And then, I just started my period a week early, which hasn't happened in a couple years (I just don't start that early). Clearly my hormones were doing something different this month. And clearly, my MANY physical symptoms were connected for some reason to these hormone level changes.
So, Cynthia, I still do think that your issues are related to your hormones. When your cute little girl is weaned, I am very curious to see if things start to shift for you. Do you feel like she is nursing less as she gets older? I remember when I was nursing my toddlers that after a while, they started nursing for a shorter period of time for each nursing. It was like they just wanted to know I was still there, but didn't want as much milk. These are just my thoughts. If the nursing is a hidden factor, then there is hope that you will reach a new stage of recovery when she is weaned fully, and that nothing really serious is going on right now, other than making you feel lousy.
Hang in there!
Diana ;)