12 y
one step forward one step backward
I'm still at an impasse with flushes. They have not worked out for me as they do for most people.
While I have passed a literal ton of stones, still no bile flow as of yet.
Positive side: I generally feel better, more energy, better skin, able to eat cleaner diet.
Negative: always nauseous when food is moving through me, still no bile moving at all, flushes are not working anymore and I'm not sure why. The last 4 flushes produced nothing yet I can feel the stones in there. Before I started flushing I was eating a higher protein diet and now my body does better with very low protein. The unintended consequence is that somehow there is less stimulation for the biliary system and this is partially causing unsuccessful flushes.
Colon is completely bloated 24/7 which is also preventing successful flushing. Between that and the blockage in the liver it's not fun.
It used to be that somehow things would just somehow resolve to some extent, I'd either have a good flush, or some
parasites would come out of me and that would move me forward, but it feels like I'm stuck now in a half-healed state.