My History:
I've been on 20 + Antibiotic treatments throughout my lifetime and no Dr. ever recommended Probiotics to replenish my gut nor going on an Anti-fungal medication afterwards. I'm not sure whether there is a connection between Antibiotics and my poor health but as I grow older my health keeps disintegrating more and more. A few weeks ago I saw a dr at a walk in clinic because I suspected I had a yeast/fungal overgrowth from all these years of severe Antibiotic overuse, he took an oral swap and sent it off to the lab and it ultimately came back positive. He then prescribed me Nystatin for the oral thrush, but now i'm wondering whether the yeast left the intestinal tract and spread to other parts of my body ? Also, I should mention that I have moderate Neutropenia and I know that people with Neutropenia are more susceptible for yeast overgrowth which makes me wonder even more whether I have a systemic yeast problem. So today I decided to visit another Doc to further discuss this whole issue related to Candida and he eloquently elaborated to me that only very ill people get systemic candida and require immediate hospitalization otherwise they would die ! My question to you guys: Does Systemic Candida really always require Hospitalization, and if not: Why ?