Constipation is the only possible way to have hemmroids. The waste is clogged and as well straining will cause them. The sitz bath is finished when the hemmroids appear and fall off. Lumps/mud/waste in the lymph glands will all travel down and out as it wants to and when too much the hemmroid swells and then you see/feel it. Many old people that never doctored upon their death it would be discovered they had a 3 foot long hemmorroid, very common today.
Constipation is everyones problem, I do not know one adult person not constipated. This is why Christopher's LBB capsules have been the most copied formula in thr herbal world, people call them better than gold, because they work on the constipation problem, but never a cure! Never a cure because the person continues to eat food which it can not digest and it ends up in the blood, then lymph, then Hemmorid gland.