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Re: Can anyone share some success stories and tips for a newb?
peggyaus Views: 2,643
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Re: Can anyone share some success stories and tips for a newb?

Here is a recent Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and drug protocol I came across.

Taken from:

Copyright © 2012 Andreas L. Kalcker & Miriam C. Maceda

Three months deworming protoco l
In the kind of fast society we live today, we have lost touch with the ancient wisdoms.
One of the things we have forgotten is to follow the natural cycle of the moon for many of our routines, so it
is important to begin treatment within three days of the full moon day and continue the waning moon.
The effectiveness of this time period is greater in this cycle because much of the nematodes travel back into
the intestine to mate.
During treatment, especially at first, it is completely necessary to use Miracle-Mineral-Supplement enemas daily or
fairly continuous, also purging with castor oil, a mineral purgative such as Epson salts or a preparation of
the plant and the leaves of Senn .
This treatment is specially designed for the deworming of large parasites, especially round nematodes such
as Ascaris. It is effective for most nematodes but may not be effective against tapeworms. In the case
of infestation by Tenias the treatment recommended is Niclosamide, being the medication preffered for
its low toxicity.
Day 1
Pyrantel-Pamoate (single dose in the morning) 10 mg / kg, administered as a single dose together with any
If purchased in liquid form, a 5ml teaspoon contains 250 mg (for 60 kg three 5ml teaspoons).
In tablets take 3 pills for 60 Kg
-Diatomaceous earth (two doses) A dessert teaspoon (5ml) twice daily with meals, preferably
with liquid. Morning and afternoon.
Day 2
-Mebendazole (two doses) 100 mg every twelve hours. A pill in the morning and one at night. [ See Note 3 ]
-Diatomaceous earth (two doses) A dessert teaspoon twice daily with
meals, preferably with liquid. Morning and afternoon.
- Enema
Day 3
- Castor oil, two tablespoons (unflavored from the store) while fasting (See note 4).
-Mebendazole (two doses) 100 mg every twelve hours. A pill in the morning and one at night.
-Diatomaceous earth (two doses) A dessert teaspoon twice daily with meals, preferably
with liquid. Morning and afternoon.
- Enema
Day 4
-Mebendazole (two doses) 100 mg every twelve hours.
A pill in the morning and one at night.
-Diatomaceous earth (two doses) A dessert teaspoon twice daily with meals, preferably
with liquid. Morning and afternoon.
- Enema
Day 5
- Pyrantel pamoate (single dose) 10 mg / kg, administered as a single dose together with any liquid. In the
event that is purchased in liquid form, a 5ml teaspoon contains 250 mg (for 60 kg three 5ml teaspoons).
In tablets take 3 pills for 60 Kg
-Diatomaceous earth (two doses) A dessert teaspoon twice daily with meals, preferably
with liquid. Morning and afternoon.
Day 6
- Castor oil, two tablespoons (unflavored from the store) on an empty stomach.
-Mebendazole 100 mg every twelve hours.
If in tablet, one in the morning and one at night.
-Diatomaceous earth (two doses) A dessert teaspoon twice daily with meals, preferably
with liquid. Morning and afternoon.
- Castor oil, two tablespoons (unflavored from the store) on an empty stomach.
- Enema
day 7
-Mebendazole 100 mg every twelve hours.
A pill in the morning and one at night.
-Diatomaceous earth (two doses) A dessert teaspoon twice daily with meals, preferably
with liquid. Morning and afternoon.
and evening.
- Enema
Day 8
-Mebendazole 100 mg every twelve hours.
A pill in the morning and one at night.
-Diatomaceous earth (two doses) A dessert teaspoon twice daily with meals, preferably
with liquid. Morning and afternoon.
- Enema
Day 9 to 18 (first month)
- Castor oil, two tablespoons (unflavored pharmacy) while fasting. Should be repeated depending on the
needs of each person.
-Diatomaceous earth (two doses) A dessert teaspoon twice daily with meals, preferably
with liquid. Morning and afternoon.
- Neem Infusion (Azadirachta Indica) (9 days)
Three teaspoons of tea in one liter of water. Boil for 5 minutes and taken throughout the day.
- Enemas as continuously as possible
Day 9 to 18 (second month)
- Castor oil, two tablespoons (unflavored pharmacy) fasting. Must be repeated
again depending on the needs of each person.
-Diatomaceous earth- A dessert teaspoon twice daily with meals, preferably with liquid. morning
and evening.
- Infusion of Epazote (Chenopodium ambrosioides) (3 days)
Boil 1 or 2 tablespoons leaves for 1 liter of water for 10 minutes, let stand and strain.
Drink 1 cup fasting for 3 days straight
- The remaining days take the Aloe Vera gel with juice or water while fasting
- Enemas as continuously as possible
Day 9 to 18 (third month)
- Castor oil, two tablespoons (unflavored pharmacy) fasting. Should be repeated depending on the needs of
each person.
Diatomaceous earth-
A dessert teaspoon twice daily with meals, preferably with liquid. Morning and afternoon.
- Infusion of Neem. for 9 days or take alternative antiparasitic infusion.
- Enemas as continuously as possible


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