Bromide MSDS
The article points out that iodine causes acne and not the bromide.
Where is he pulling that from?
Here is the MSDS from the CDC on Bromide toxicity:
Acute nonlethal exposures can also, induce coughing, nosebleed, feelings of oppression, dizziness, headache, and delayed onset of abdominal pain and measles-like dermal eruptions [NLM 1992]
2. Chronic Exposure: Chronic exposure to bromine can cause contact irritation, slow healing, painful acne-like skin eruptions, headache, heart pain, irritability, anorexia, joint pain, dyspepsia, loss of corneal reflexes, pharyngitis, vegetative disorders, thyroid dysfunction, and cardiovascular and digestive disorders.
If u want to see if u r bromide toxic, just do the salt loading without iodine and see if you get the acne.
I have a friend that did this and 15 minutes after the salt, his head was full of bromide acne.