If this person can detach his anger towards CZ and calmly state his case and provide references his rant would be worth considering. But one thing not addressed: the countless anecdotal accounts of positive health impacts of taking Iodine and companion supplements. Unless we're talking about serious mass hysteria there is indeed something good going on. Beyond this, the vast majority of folks state that Iodine supplementation is well worth the discomfort of the negative (detox) side effects.
As an aside, for years I was on a Psoriasis help forum where a small group of us discussed dietary means of managing the dreadful condition. Most, like myself, who diligently overhauled their diet saw terrific improvement. However we were ridiculed, often viciously, by folks saying we were liars, crazy, etc, etc. Even providing photographic evident didn't quiet them. I never knew holistic/alternative approaches to managing health can bring out such ugliness.